Mobile blog send mail system
Mobile blog send mail system
How to use the information board
First Step
1.Access the specified homepage address.
2.Enter the title you like.
3.Enter the password you decided.
4.Enter the same password for confirmation.
5.Enter the pairs of name and e-mail address to whom you want to deliver the message.
You can change the name and the address later.
6.Push regist button.
Second Step

ON Homepage
1. Enter your name and email address to each input box.
2. Write a message in content box.
3. Push SEND button.
4. The message is displayed on the information board on the homepage
and delivered to the person who registered above.

BY Email
1. Write a reply message of the received message from information
board (ex. e0012345).
2. You can append one picture to the message.(Optional)
3. Send the mail.
4. The message is displayed on the information board on the homepage
and delivered to the person who registered above.

How to show the message
1. Click the homepage address in the mail.
How to change the deliverly address
1. Click the link 'Address registration' on the homepage.
2. Enter the password you decided above.
3. Address registration page is displayed.
4. Same as first step, but you cannot change the title.